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Open-source MIT Licensed.

Accessible Communities🛡️

Join communities made for certain areas of math and levels of expertise to work with the math you’re familiar with.

Private Groups🚀

Conduct research with colleagues, collaborate on homework assignments with classmates, connect math club members together and more in private groups.

Virtual Whiteboard📈

Work with peers on a virtual whiteboard to make use of both the efficiency of in-person collaboration and the convenience of an online environment.


Engage with the community by asking and answering questions as well as contributing to open-ended discussions.


Attach posts with math articles, videos and resources you find interesting to share them with the community.

Convenient Formatting🧰

Sharing graphs and writing in LaTeX makes it easy to illustrate and express mathematical ideas.

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Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta

by Mark Otto

It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here!

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Markdown Cheat Sheet Ⓜ️⬇️

An overview of basic markdown syntax.

May 26, 2024